BB&N Qualifying Life Events

A breakdown of Qualifying Life Events (QLEs) Confidential unpublished property of EBS. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel.

You can enroll in benefits during your annual open enrollment period, or within 30 days of a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). The IRS determines what counts as a qualifying event, which typically includes: QUALIFYING Change in employment status for you, your spouse, or dependent LIFE EVENTS Change in your legal marital status (marriage, divorce, or EXPLAINED death of your spouse) Change in the number of dependents (birth or adoption of a child, or death of a dependent) Change in your dependent’s eligibility (for example, your child reaches age 13 and is no longer eligible under a DCFSA) Change in child care or elder care provider, change in cost, or change in coverage. This applies to DCFSA only, it doesn’t apply to HCFSA or LPFSA QUESTIONS? PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT THE BB&N HR TEAM

BB&N Qualifying Life Events - Page 1 BB&N Qualifying Life Events