Mail Order Pharmacy

You Can Save a Trip to the Pharmacy With Mail-Order Rx

When you're ready to make the switch to mail-order, you can either complete and send your insurance carrier's mail order form and your prescription, or you can ask your doctor to phone or fax the information in. It usually takes about two weeks to receive your medication from the time you order, so you'll usually want to pick up the first prescription at a retail pharmacy to ensure you're not without medication. DID YOU KNOW? N E W S L E T T E R Save yourself the hassle of driving to the pharmacy each month to retrieve your prescription by opting for a 90-day mail order supply instead. If you're taking a maintenance medication, you can receive free home delivery of your prescription every three months. A maintenance medication is any drug that you need to take regularly, that are used to treat ongoing conditions. Some examples are drugs used for: Y O U C A N S A V E A T R I P T O T H E P H A R M A C Y W I T H M A I L - O R D E R R X H O W D O I SIGN UP? Diabetes Asthma Birth control High cholesterol High blood pressure Arthritis Allergy medications that you take seasonally are also considered maintenance medications. You may also be eligible to receive some specialty medications through the mail-order program - check your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) to see if your plan allows specialty drug delivery. S O M E O T H E R P H A R M A C Y RESOURCES T O C H E C K O U T

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