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ELIGIBILITY FOR CONTINUATION OF CERTAIN INSURANCE WHILE YOU ARE TOTALLY DISABLED GCERT2000 47 cp/all If You become Totally Disabled while You are insured for Continuation Eligible Insurance under this policy, You may qualify to continue certain insurance under this section. If continued, premium payment will not be required. We will determine if You qualify for this continuation after We receive Proof that You have satisfied the conditions of this section. Total Disability must start before You attain age 60 and while You are insured for Continuation Eligible Insurance. Your Total Disability must continue without interruption from the date You became Totally Disabled through the end of the Continuation Waiting Period. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this section, “Continuation Eligible Insurance” means Your · Basic Life Insurance; · Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance if You continue Basic Life Insurance; to the extent that such insurance was in effect for You on the date Your Total Disability began. Continuation Eligible Insurance does not include Life Insurance amounts accelerated under the section entitled LIFE INSURANCE: ACCELERATED BENEFIT OPTION FOR YOU. Continuation Waiting Period means the period which starts on the date You become Totally Disabled and ends 9 consecutive months later. Total Disability or Totally Disabled means, for purposes of this section, that due to an injury or sickness: · You are unable to perform the material and substantial duties of Your regular job; and · You are unable to perform any other job for which You are fit by education, training or experience. TOTAL DISABILITY AND PROOF REQUIREMENTS If You become disabled You should contact Us as soon as reasonably possible. After the Continuation Waiting Period ends, You must send Us Proof that You were Totally Disabled with no interruption throughout the Continuation Waiting Period. You must do this within the time frame specified in the section entitled FILING A CLAIM. As part of such Proof, We may choose a Physician to examine You to verify that You are Totally Disabled. We will pay for the exam. After We receive and review Your Proof, We will determine if You qualify. We will notify You in writing of Our decision. To verify that You continue to be Totally Disabled without interruption, We may require from time to time that You send Us Proof that You continue to be Totally Disabled. We will not ask for Proof more than once each year. IF YOU DIE OR SUSTAIN A LOSS COVERED BY THE CONTINUED INSURANCE DURING CONTINUATION If You die or sustain a loss for which you believe benefits may be payable during the continuation, Proof of the death must be sent to Us. In addition to the Proof which is otherwise required for the insurance, the Proof must show that Your Total Disability continued with no interruption from the date We informed You that the continuation was approved until the date of the death or the date of loss. When We receive such Proof with the claim, We will review the claim and if We approve it, will pay any benefit payable under the insurance continued under this section.

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