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DEFINITIONS GCERT2000 29 def As used in this certificate, the terms listed below will have the meanings set forth below. When defined terms are used in this certificate, they will appear with initial capitalization. The plural use of a term defined in the singular will share the same meaning. Actively at Work or Active Work means that You are performing all of the usual and customary duties of Your job on a Full-Time basis. This must be done at: ● the Employer’s place of business; ● an alternate place approved by the Employer; or ● a location to which the Employer’s business requires You to travel. You will be deemed to be Actively at Work during weekends or -approved vacations, holidays or business closures if You were Actively at Work on the last scheduled work day preceding such time off. Basic Annual Earnings means Your gross annual rate of pay as determined by Your Employer, excluding overtime and other extra pay. Beneficiary means the person(s) to whom We will pay insurance as determined in accordance with the General Provisions section. Common Carrier means a government regulated entity that is in the business of transporting fare paying passengers. The term does not include: ● chartered or other privately arranged transportation; ● taxis; or ● limousines. Contributory Insurance means insurance for which the Employer requires You to pay any part of the premium. Full-Time means Active Work on the ’s regular work schedule for the class of employees to which You belong. The work schedule must be at least 20 hours a week. Full-Time does not include temporary or seasonal employees. Noncontributory Insurance means insurance for which the Employer does not require You to pay any part of the premium . Physician means: ● a person licensed to practice medicine in the jurisdiction where such services are performed; or ● any other person whose services, according to applicable law, must be treated as Physician's services for purposes of the Group Policy. Each such person must be licensed in the jurisdiction where the service is performed and must act within the scope of that license. Such person must also be certified and/or registered if required by such jurisdiction. The term does not include : ● You; ● Your Spouse; or ● any member of Your immediate family including Your and/or Your spouse’s parents; children (natural, step or adopted); siblings; grandparents; or grandchildren.

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