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CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE WITH PREMIUM PAYMENT (continued) GCERT2000 39 coi-np If You are Totally Disabled on the Date Your Employment Ends. If You are Totally Disabled on the date Your employment ends and You elect to continue Portability Eligible Insurance as provided in this subsection, You may at a later date become approved for continuation of insurance under the section entitled ELIGIBILITY FOR CONTINUATION OF CERTAIN INSURANCE WHILE YOU ARE TOTALLY DISABLED . If You are so approved, all insurance continued under this subsection or any new certificate provided under this subsection will end and We will return any premium paid by You for such insurance. AT THE EMPLOYER’S OPTION The Employer has elected to continue insurance by paying premiums for employees who cease Active Work in an eligible class for any of the reasons specified below. You will be notified by the Employer how much You will be required to contribute. Insurance will continue for the following periods: 1. for the period You cease Active Work in an eligible class due to injury or Sickness, up to 9 months; 2. for the period You cease Active Work in an eligible class due to part-time work, layoff or strike, up to 2 months; 3. for the period You cease Active Work in an eligible class due to any other Employer approved leave of absence, up to 2 months. 4. for the period You cease Active Work in an eligible class due to any Employer approved leave of absence because of a call-up to active military service, up to 24 months. At the end of any of the continuation periods listed above, Your insurance will be affected as follows: ● if You resume Active Work in an eligible class at this time, You will continue to be insured under the Group Policy; ● if You do not resume Active Work in an eligible class at this time, Your employment will be considered to end and Your insurance will end in accordance with the DATE YOUR INSURANCE ENDS subsection of the section entitled ELIGIBILITY PROVISIONS: INSURANCE FOR YOU. Option to Convert In addition to the Continuation of Insurance options described above, You may have the right to convert to a policy of individual life insurance. We urge You to read the section entitled LIFE INSURANCE: CONVERSION OPTION FOR YOU. CONTINUATION OF ACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT (AD&D) Special Rules For Massachusetts Residents 1. If Your AD&D Insurance ends due to a Plant Closing or Covered Partial Closing, such insurance will be continued for 90 days after the date it ends. 2. If Your AD&D Insurance ends because: · You cease to be in an Eligible Class; or · Your employment terminates for any reason other than a Plant Closing or Covered Partial Closing, such insurance will continue for 31 days after the date it ends. Continuation of Your AD&D Insurance under this subsection will end before the end of continuation periods shown above if You become covered for similar benefits under another plan.

MetLife Life/AD&D Certficate - Page 40 MetLife Life/AD&D Certficate Page 39 Page 41