SPECIAL RULES FOR GROUPS PREVIOUSLY INSURED UNDER A PLAN OF DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE GCERT2000 tog 30 The following rules will apply if this Disability Income Insurance : · replaces a plan of group disability income coverage provided to You by the Policyholder; or · replaces a Prior Plan of group disability income coverage provided to You by a former employer; when the replacement results from the Policyholder’s acquisition of, merger with or other combination with that employer. Prior Plan means the plan of group disability income coverage that was provided to You by the Employer or the former employer on the day before the Replacement Date, and is being replaced by this insurance. Replacement Date means the effective date of the Disability Income Insurance under the Group Policy. Rules for When Insurance Takes Effect if You were Insured Under the Prior Plan on the Day Before the Replacement Date: · If You are Actively at Work on the day before the Replacement Date , You will become insured for Disability Income Insurance under this certificate on the Replacement Date. · If You are not Actively at Work on such date because you are Disabled, and the Prior Plan that You were covered under on the day before the Replacement Date was an insured plan. You will become insured for Disability Income Insurance under this certificate on the Replacement Date. However, if the Prior Plan that You were covered under on the day before the Replacement Date was a self-funded plan, You will become insured for Disability Income Insurance under this certificate on the date You return to Active Work. We will credit any time You accumulated toward the Elimination Period under the Prior Plan to the satisfaction of the Elimination Period required to be met under this certificate Any benefits paid for such Disability will be equal to those that would have been payable to You under the Prior Plan less any amount for which the prior carrier is liable. Benefit payments for such Disability will end on the earliest of: the date that payments end under the subsection DATE BENEFIT PAYMENTS END in this certificate; or the date that payments would have ended under the provisions of the Prior Plan of insurance. · If You are not Actively at Work on such date for any other reason, You will become insured for Disability Income Insurance under this certificate on the date You return to Active Work, provided however, if You are on a Policyholder approved leave of absence on the Replacement Date. You will become insured for Disability Income Insurance on the Replacement Date. However, Your insurance under this certificate will end on the date Your approved leave of absence ends if You do not return to Active Work on such date. Rules for When Insurance Takes Effect if You were Not Insured Under the Prior Plan on the Day Before the Replacement Date : · You will be eligible for Disability Income Insurance under this certificate when you meet the eligibility requirements for such insurance as described in ELIGIBILITY PROVISIONS: INSURANCE FOR YOU; and · We will credit any time You accumulated under the Prior Plan toward the eligibility waiting period under the Prior Plan to the satisfaction of the eligibility waiting period required to be met under this certificate.

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