DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE: LONG TERM BENEFITS (continued) GCERT2000 di/ltd 35 REHABILITATION INCENTIVES Rehabilitation Program Incentive If You participate in a Rehabilitation Program, We will increase Your Monthly Benefit by an amount equal to 10% of the Monthly Benefit. We will do so before We reduce Your Monthly Benefit by any Other Income. Work Incentive While You are Disabled, We encourage You to work. If You work while You are Disabled and receiving Monthly Benefits, Your Monthly Benefit will be adjusted as follows: · Your Monthly Benefit will be increased by Your Rehabilitation Program, if any; and · reduced by Other Income as defined in the DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE: INCOME WHICH WILL REDUCE YOUR DISABILITY BENEFIT section. Your Monthly Benefit as adjusted above will not be reduced by the amount You earn from working, except to the extent that such adjusted Monthly Benefit plus the amount You earn from working and the income You receive from Other Income exceeds 100% of Your Predisability Earnings as calculated in the definition of Disability. In addition, the Minimum Monthly Benefit will not apply. Limit on Work Incentive After the first 24 months following Your Elimination Period, We will reduce Your Monthly Benefit by 50% of the amount You earn from working while Disabled. Family Care Incentive If You work or participate in a Rehabilitation Program while You are Disabled, We will reimburse You for up to $400 for monthly expenses You incur for each family member to provide: · care for Your or Your Spouse’s child, legally adopted child, or child for whom You or Your Spouse are legal guardian and who is: living with You as part of Your household; dependent on You for support; and under age 13. The child care must be provided by a licensed child care provider who may not be a member of Your immediate family. · care for Your family member who is: living with You as part of Your household; chiefly dependent on You for support; and incapable of independent living, regardless of age, due to mental or physical handicap as defined by applicable law. Care to Your family member may not be provided by a member of Your immediate family. We will make reimbursement payments to You on a monthly basis starting with the 1 st Monthly Benefit payment until You have received 24 Monthly Benefit Payments. Payments will not be made beyond the Maximum Benefit Period. We will not reimburse You for any expenses for which You are eligible for payment from any other source. You must send Proof that You have incurred such expenses.