SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS GCERT2000 sch 21 This schedule shows the benefits that are available under the Group Policy. You will only be insured for the benefits: · for which You become and remain eligible, and · which You elect, if subject to election; and · which are in effect. BENEFIT BENEFIT AMOUNT AND HIGHLIGHTS Disability Income Insurance For You: Long Term Benefits For All Active Full-Time Employees: Monthly Benefit............................................ 60% of the first $10,833 of Your Predisability Earnings, subject to the INCOME WHICH WILL REDUCE YOUR DISABILITY BENEFIT section. Maximum Monthly Benefit.................................... $6,500 Minimum Monthly Benefit..................................... $100 subject to the Overpayments and Rehabilitation Incentive subsection of this certificate. Elimination Period........................................ 90 days. Maximum Benefit Period* the later of: i Your Normal Retirement Age; or i the period shown below: Age on Date of Your Disability Benefit Period Less than 60 To age 65 60 60 months 61 48 months 62 42 months 63 36 months 64 30 months 65 24 months 66 21 months 67 18 months 68 15 months 69 and over 12 months