NOTICE FOR RESIDENTS OF MAINE GCERT2000 10 notice/me You have the right to designate a third party to receive notice if Your insurance is in danger of lapsing due to a default on Your part, such as nonpayment of a contribution that is due. The intent is to allow reinstatements where the default is due to the insured person’s suffering from cognitive impairment or functional incapacity. You may make this designation by completing a "Third-Party Notice Request Form" and sending it to MetLife. Once You have made a designation, You may cancel or change it by filling out a new Third-Party Notice Request Form and sending it to MetLife. The designation will be effective as of the date MetLife receives the form. Call MetLife at the toll-free telephone number shown on the face page of this certificate to obtain a Third-Party Notice Request Form. Within 90 days after cancellation of coverage for nonpayment of premium, You, any person authorized to act on Your behalf, or any covered Dependent may request reinstatement of the certificate on the basis that You suffered from cognitive impairment or functional incapacity at the time of cancellation.

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