expert assistance up front, offer support while you are completing the Social Security forms, and help guide you through the application process. 2. Guidance Through Appeal Process by Social Security Specialists Social Security disability benefits may be initially denied, but are often approved following an appeal. If your benefits are denied, our dedicated team of Social Security Specialists provide expert assistance on an appeal if your situation warrants continuing the appeal process. They guide you through each stage of the appeal process. These stages may include: a) Reconsideration by the Social Security Administration b) Hearing before an Administrative Law Judge c) Review by an Appeals Council established within the Social Security Administration in Washington, D.C. d) A civil suit in Federal Court 3. Social Security Attorneys Depending on your individual needs, MetLife may provide a referral to an attorney who specializes in Social Security law. The Social Security approved attorney's fee is credited to the Long Term Disability Overpayment, which results upon your receipt of the retroactive Social Security benefits. The attorney's fee, which is capped by Social Security law, will be deducted from the lump sum social security disability benefits award and will not be used to further reduce your Long Term Disability benefit. EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM The MetLife Early Intervention Program is offered to all covered Employees, and your participation is voluntary*. The program helps identify early those Employees who might benefit from vocational analyses and rehabilitation services before they are eligible for Long Term Disability Benefits. Early rehabilitation efforts are more likely to reduce the length of your disability and help you return to work sooner than expected. If you cannot work, or can only work part-time due to a disability, your Employer will notify MetLife. Our Clinical Specialists may be able to assist you by: 1. Reviewing and evaluating your disabling condition, even before a claim for Long Term Disability Benefits is submitted (with your consent); 2. Designing individualized return to work plans that focus on your abilities, with the goal of return to work; 3. Identifying local community resources; 4. Coordinating services with other benefit providers, including: medical carrier, short term disability carrier*, workers’ compensation carrier, and state disability plans; 5. Monitoring return to work plans in progress and modifying them as recommended by the attending physician (with your consent). 6. Providing analyses of job demands and functions to determine what modifications may be made to maximize your employment opportunities. It also includes an on-site ergonomic evaluation of work conditions to assist you in returning to work. If MetLife agrees that job modifications are likely to help you remain at work or return to work we may also agree (with your consent) to reimburse your employer for the cost of such modifications up to an amount agreed to between MetLife and your employer. Our assistance is offered at no cost to either you or your Employer.