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GENERAL PROVISIONS GCERT2000 50 gp 10/04 Assignment You may assign Your Life Insurance rights and benefits under the Group Policy as a gift or as a viatical assignment. We will recognize the assignee(s) under such assignment as owner(s) of Your right, title and interest in the Group Policy if: 1. a Written form satisfactory to Us, affirming this assignment, has been completed; 2. the Written form has been Signed by You and the assignee(s); 3. the Employer acknowledges that the Life Insurance being assigned is in force on the life of the assignor; and 4. the Written form is delivered to Us for recording. Viatical assignments may only be made after Your Life Insurance has been in effect under this certificate for 2 years. However, you may make a viatical assignment before the end of the 2 year period if you are Terminally Ill. Terminally Ill means that You are expected to die within 6 months. As Proof of Your Terminal Illness You or Your legal representative must send Us a signed Physician’s certification that You are Terminally Ill. We may also request an exam by a Physician of Our choice, at Our expense. Beneficiary You may designate a Beneficiary in Your application or enrollment form. You may change Your Beneficiary at any time. To do so, You must send a Signed and dated, Written request to the Employer using a form satisfactory to Us. Your Written request to change the Beneficiary must be sent to the Employer within 30 days of the date You Sign such request. You do not need the Beneficiary’s consent to make a change. When We receive the change, it will take effect as of the date You Signed it. The change will not apply to any payment made in good faith by Us before the change request was recorded. If two or more Beneficiaries are designated and their shares are not specified, they will share the insurance equally. If there is no Beneficiary designated or no surviving designated Beneficiary at Your death, We may determine the Beneficiary to be one or more of the following who survive You: 1. Your Spouse; 2. Your child(ren); 3. Your parent(s); or 4. Your siblings(s) · Instead of making payment to any of the above, we may pay Your estate. Any payment made in good faith will discharge our liability to the extent of such payment. If a Beneficiary or payee is a minor or incompetent to receive payment, We will pay that person’s guardian. Suicide (See notice page for residents of Missouri) For Supplemental Life If You commit suicide within 2 years from the date Life Insurance for You takes effect, We will not pay such insurance and Our liability will be limited as follows: · any premium paid by You will be returned to the Beneficiary. · any premium paid by the Employer will be returned to the Employer. If You commit suicide 2 years from the date an increase in Your Life Insurance takes effect, We will pay to the Beneficiary the amount of insurance in effect on the day before the increase. Any premium You paid for the

MetLife Voluntary Life Insurance Certificate - Page 51 MetLife Voluntary Life Insurance Certificate Page 50 Page 52