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CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE WITH PREMIUM PAYMENT (continued) GCERT2000 38 coi-np If written notice of the option to Port is not given within 91 days of the date such insurance ends, the Request Period: · begins on the date the insurance ends, and · expires at the end of such 91 day period. Amount of the New Certificate The amount of Ported Insurance for You that may be continued is shown in the SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS. However, at the time of Porting You may change the amount of Portability Eligible Insurance in the following circumstances: Your Increase in Amount For Portability Eligible Life Insurance At the time of Porting, You may increase the amount of Your Portability Eligible Life Insurance. This may be done in increments of $25,000, up to a maximum ported amount of $2,000,000. To be eligible for this increased amount, You must provide evidence of Your insurability satisfactory to us, at Your expense. If We approve the increase, it will take effect on the date We state in Writing. Your Decrease in Amount If We receive a request to decrease an amount of insurance, any such decrease will take place on the date We state in Writing. Premiums for the New Certificate All premium payments must be made directly to Us. When We issue the new certificate, We will also provide a schedule of premiums and payment instructions. You are not required to provide evidence of insurability to Port Your existing amount of Portability Eligible Supplemental Life. However, to qualify for a lower premium rate, You may give us, at Your expense, evidence of Your insurability satisfactory to Us. If We determine that the evidence satisfies Us, We will notify You that the lower premium rates will apply to You. Right to Convert Life Insurance Amounts Not Ported Any amount of Life Insurance not Ported under this subsection may be converted under the section entitled LIFE INSURANCE: CONVERSION OPTION FOR YOU. If You Die Within 31 Days of the Date Portability Eligible Life Insurance Ends If You die within 31 days of the date Portability Eligible Life Insurance ends and an application to Port is not received by Us during such period, We will determine whether Your life insurance qualifies for payment. This determination will be made in accordance with the section entitled LIFE INSURANCE: CONVERSION OPTION FOR YOU. If You are Totally Disabled on the Date Your Employment Ends. If You are Totally Disabled on the date Your employment ends and You elect to continue Portability Eligible Insurance as provided in this subsection, You may at a later date become approved for continuation of insurance under the section entitled ELIGIBILITY FOR CONTINUATION OF CERTAIN INSURANCE WHILE YOU ARE TOTALLY DISABLED . If You are so approved, all insurance continued under this subsection or any new certificate provided under this subsection will end and We will return any premium paid by You for such insurance. AT THE EMPLOYER’S OPTION

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