Continue to be there for your loved ones with life insurance. They will receive a lump-sum payment to help provide a more financially secure future. Consider these average Group Term Life Insurance policy costs for a healthy 35-year-old: 3 Consider this life event: $ Estimated cost $3–$4 per month 50k That’s near the cost of a latte! Consider this scenario: in coverage Renee's father passed away a few months before she left for college. Fortunately, he had group life 3 insurance through MetLife, which $ Estimated cost $13–$20 per month helped cover Renee’s tuition and 250k That’s a movie ticket and popcorn!4 allowed her to pursue her dream to in coverage become a registered nurse. Now, she has life insurance through her employer to help make sure her kids will have the same opportunities if 3 $ Estimated cost $25–$40 per month something happens to her. 500k That’s one month at a fitness center!4 in coverage This is a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. Photos do not represent actual MetLife customers. The advantages of getting life insurance through work: Competitive Convenient Easy access Educational tools to help 2 payroll to enrollment you decide how much group rates deductions insurance is right for you The tax advantage Your beneficiaries typically won’t need to pay income tax on the payments they receive.5
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