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Benefits for 2022 Medical Extras FOR UHC MEMBERS LabsteremployeeswhoenrollintheUnitedHealthcaremedicalplanshaveaccesstoseveralextrasthroughUHC: UHCMotion Walking may be one of the easiest ways to maintain an active and healthier lifestyle. With the UnitedHealthcare Motion® incentive program, walking may even help you save on health care costs. So if you’re looking to help boostyourwell-being andloweryourhealthcarecosts,justlaceupyoursneakersandgo. YouandyourenrolledspousecanuseUnitedHealthcareMotiontohelptake greatercontrolofyourhealth while, at the same time, earning credits for meeting specific FIT (frequency, intensive, tenacity) goals. These credits are depositedquarterlyintoyourHRAorHSA. PPOPlanMemberscanearnupto$4perdayinhealthreimbursementaccount(HRA)credits. HSAPlanMemberscanearnupto$3perdayinhealthsavingsaccount(HSA)credits. PPO HSA Frequency $1.50 $1.00 300 steps in 5 minutes 6x/day, at least 1 hour apart Intensity $1.50 $1.00 3,000 steps in 30 minutes Tenacity $1.50 $1.00 10,000+ total daily steps Total $4.00/day; $1,460/year $3/day; $1,095/year UHCMobileApp TheUnitedHealthcare®appputsyourplanatyourfingertips. When you’re out and about, you can do everything from managing your plan to getting convenient care. Just downloadtheappto: • Find nearbycare optionsin yournetwork. • Estimatecosts. • Videochatwithadoctor24/7.* • ViewandshareyourhealthplanIDcard. • Seeyourclaimdetailsandviewprogresstowardyourdeductible. RallyPersonalizedHealthRecommendations Rally is designed to help you make changes to your daily routine, set smart goals and track your progress. You’ll get personalized recommendations to help you move more, eat better and improve your health—and have fun doingit. Get startedat RealAppeal Real Appeal® is an online weight loss program that provides personal coaching to help you and eligible family membersloseweightandkeepitoff.Onaverage,participantslose10 lbs.afterattendingjust4 onlinesessions. 8 2022 Employee Benefit Guide This booklet provides only a summary of your benefits. All services described within are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions set forth in each insurance carrier or provider’s contract.

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