INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) BB&N Issued Hardware ● When Faculty/Staff voluntarily leave or retire, they have the option to purchase their BB&N issued hardware if they have had the device for more than 3 years based on the current value of the device. Faculty/Staff should contact [email protected] to go over this process. ○ Equipment to return: ■ Laptop w/charger, iPad w/Apple Pencil and Charger and any dongle issued to you ● If Faculty/Staff do not purchase their devices, they should turn them in no later than June 11th to ○ Hong Chan at the Upper School ○ Sam Po at the Middle School ○ Christian Lessage at the Lower School ● If this leave happens during the school year, Faculty/Staff should contact Hong Chan to coordinate a drop off of all equipment. IT Equipment Return Protocol ● See above policy. Before departure the employee sets up time to meet with IT and discuss hand-off of property/ ask any questions regarding return protocol. It is the responsibility of the Asst Director and/or Department Head to ensure that all property is returned to IT before the employee’s departure. 2024-2025 Offboarding Guide | 9

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