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Frequently Asked Questions Long Term Disability Insurance What is long term disability insurance? It is an affordable way to protect your income when you are unable to work due to illness or injury. Accidents and illness can happen to anyone, and it can impact your ability to earn money. That’s why financial experts recommend long term disability insurance as part of a sound financial plan. Q. Why is having long term disability insurance so important? A. Having long term disability protection can help you cover your essential living expenses and help safeguard your savings, since it replaces a portion of your income for an extended period of time. Q. What are the essential living expenses that I should be most concerned about? A. Consider any expenses you may incur in the running of your household, including car payments, Accidents and illness mortgage payments, groceries, child care, tuition and more, that would still need to be covered in the can happen to anyone, event of a disability. and it can impact your Q. How do disability payments work? ability to earn money. A. Payment will be made directly to you — not your employer, hospital, doctor or insurance company. The amount of the payment will depend on the amount of coverage you choose. Q. How much does long term disability insurance cost? A. Disability insurance is more affordable than you may think. For example, a healthy male age 35 may get a $1,000 monthly benefit for an initial premium of about $25 a month.1 Rates for your plan(s) can be found in the enrollment materials provided by your employer. Q. How do I pay for my long term disability insurance? A. Premiums will be conveniently paid through payroll deduction, so you don’t have to worry about writing a check or missing a payment. Q. What happens when I want to file a claim? A. MetLife offers various ways to submit your claim based on your plan, including online, mail and phone options. Plus, you can track the status of your claim online or on the MetLife US App. Search “MetLife” on iTunes® App Store or Google Play to download the app. As one of the nation’s leading providers of disability benefits,2 you can count on MetLife to provide you with caring, compassionate and accurate claims service, if and when you experience a disability. Have other Q. What if I choose not to have long term disability insurance? questions? A. Enrolling in a plan is not mandatory, but it is a good idea and an affordable way to help protect Please call your income. Without long term disability, you may need to use your savings or tap into other assets to cover MetLife directly at your essential living expenses while you recover from a disabling accident or illness. 1 800 GET-MET8 Q. When can I enroll? (1-800-438-6388) A. It is best to enroll during your open enrollment period when medical exams may not be required and talk with a and health questions may not be asked. The sooner you enroll, the sooner you will enjoy the added benefits consultant. financial protection that disability coverage provides. ADF# DI1282.16

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