DEFINITIONS GCERT2000 23 def As used in this certificate, the terms listed below will have the meanings set forth below. When defined terms are used in this certificate, they will appear with initial capitalization. The plural use of a term defined in the singular will share the same meaning. Actively at Work or Active Work means that You are performing all of the usual and customary duties of Your job on a Full-Time basis. This must be done at: ● the Employer’s place of business; ● an alternate place approved by the Employer; or ● a location to which the Employer’s business requires You to travel. You will be deemed to be Actively at Work during weekends or -approved vacations, holidays or business closures if You were Actively at Work on the last scheduled work day preceding such time off. Appropriate Care and Treatment means medical care and treatment that is: · given by a Physician whose medical training and clinical specialty are appropriate for treating Your Disability; · consistent in type, frequency and duration of treatment with relevant guidelines of national medical research, health care coverage organizations and governmental agencies; · consistent with a Physician’s diagnosis of Your Disability; and · intended to maximize Your medical and functional improvement. Beneficiary means the person(s) to whom We will pay insurance as determined in accordance with the General Provisions section. Consumer Price Index means the CPI-W, the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers published by the U.S. Department of Labor. If the CPI-W is discontinued or replaced, We reserve the right to substitute any other comparable index. Contributory Insurance means insurance for which the Employer requires You to pay any part of the premium. Disabled or Disability means that, due to Sickness or as a direct result of accidental injury: · You are receiving Appropriate Care and Treatment and complying with the requirements of such treatment; and · You are unable to earn: · during the Elimination Period and the next 24 months of Sickness or accidental injury, more than 80% of Your Predisability Earnings at Your Own Occupation for any employer in Your Local Economy; and · after such period, more than 60% of Your Predisability Earnings from any employer in Your Local Economy at any gainful occupation for which You are reasonably qualified taking into account Your training, education and experience. For purposes of determining whether a Disability is the direct result of an accidental injury, the Disability must have occurred within 90 days of the accidental injury and resulted from such injury independent of other causes. If Your occupation requires a license, the fact that You lose Your license for any reason will not, in itself, constitute Disability. If You are Disabled and have received a Monthly Benefit for 12 months, We will adjust Your Predisability Earnings only for the purposes of determining whether You continue to be Disabled and for calculating the Return to Work Incentive, if any. We will make the initial adjustment as follows:

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