DEFINITIONS (continued) GCERT2000 24 def We will add to Your Predisability Earnings an amount equal to the product of: · Your Predisability Earnings times the lesser of: · 4%; or · the annual rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index for the prior calendar year. Annually thereafter, We will add an amount to Your adjusted Predisability Earnings calculated by the method set forth above but substituting Your adjusted Predisability Earnings from the prior year for Your Predisability Earnings. This adjustment is not a cost of living benefit. Elimination Period means the period of Your Disability during which We do not pay benefits. The Elimination Period begins on the day You become Disabled and continues for the period shown in the SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS. Full-Time means Active Work on the ’s regular work schedule for the class of employees to which You belong. The work schedule must be at least 20 hours a week. Full-Time does not include temporary or seasonal employees. Local Economy means the geographic area: · within which You reside; and · which offers suitable employment opportunities within a reasonable travel distance. If You move on or after the date You become Disabled, We may consider both Your former and current residence to be Your Local Economy. Noncontributory Insurance means insurance for which the Employer does not require You to pay any part of the premium . Normal Retirement Age means that as defined by the federal Social Security Administration on the date Your Disability starts. Own Occupation means the essential functions You regularly perform that provide Your primary source of earned income. Physician means: ● a person licensed to practice medicine in the jurisdiction where such services are performed; or ● any other person whose services, according to applicable law, must be treated as Physician's services for purposes of the Group Policy. Each such person must be licensed in the jurisdiction where the service is performed and must act within the scope of that license. Such person must also be certified and/or registered if required by such jurisdiction. The term does not include : ● You, or ● Your Spouse, or ● any member of Your immediate family including Your and/or Your Spouse’s parents; children (natural, step or adopted); siblings; grandparents; or grandchildren. Employer’s Retirement Plan means a plan which: · provides retirement benefits to employees; and · is funded in whole or in part by Employer contributions. The term does not include: · profit sharing plans; · thrift or savings plans;

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