DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE: INCOME WHICH WILL REDUCE YOUR DISABILITY BENEFIT (continued) GCERT2000 38 di/red as amended by GCR13-22 REDUCING YOUR DISABILITY BENEFIT BY THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF YOUR FEDERAL SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT OR GOVERNMENT COMPULSORY BENEFIT PLAN OR PROGRAM OR STRS, PERS, OR FERS OR OTHER PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT OR DISABILITY BENEFIT PLAN OR PROGRAM If there is a reasonable basis for You to apply for benefits under the Federal Social Security Benefit or , a government compulsory plan or program or a federal, state or other public employee retirement or disability plan or program, including a STRS, PERS or FERS Retirement System, We expect You to apply for such benefits. 1 . With respect to benefits under the Federal Social Security Act, to apply means to pursue such benefits until You receive approval from the Federal Social Security Administration, or a notice of denial of benefits from an administrative law judge. We will reduce the amount of Your Disability benefit by the amount of Federal Social Security benefits We estimate that You Your Spouse or child(ren) are eligible to receive because of Your Disability or retirement. We will start to do this after You have received 24 months of Disability benefit payments, unless We have received: approval of Your claim for Federal Social Security benefits; or a notice of denial of such benefits indicating that all levels of appeal have been exhausted. You must, within 6 months following the date You became Disabled: · send Us Proof that You have applied for Federal Social Security benefits; · sign a reimbursement agreement in which You agree to repay Us for any overpayments We may make to You under this insurance; and · sign a release that authorizes the Federal Social Security Administration to provide information directly to Us concerning Your Federal Social Security benefits eligibility. If You do not satisfy the above requirements, We will reduce Your Disability benefits by such estimated Federal Social Security benefits starting with the first Disability benefit payment coincident with the date You were eligible to receive Federal Social Security benefits. 2. With respect to Government Compulsory Benefit Plans or Programs, or STRS, PERS or FERS Benefit Plans or Programs, to apply means to pursue such benefits through all applicable levels of appeal provided for under such benefit plans or programs. You must, within 1 month following the date You became Disabled: · send Us Proof that You have applied for benefits under such plans or programs; · sign a reimbursement agreement in which You agree to repay Us for any overpayments We may make to You under this insurance; and · sign a release that authorizes such benefit plans or programs to provide information directly to Us concerning Your benefits eligibility under such plans or programs. If You do not satisfy the above requirements, We will reduce Your Disability benefit by the amount of such government compulsory benefit plan or program benefit, or STRS, PERS or FERS benefit that We estimate You are eligible to receive , provided that We have the reasonable means to make such an estimate. We will start to do this with the first Disability benefit payment under this certificate coincident with the date You were eligible to receive government compulsory benefit plan or program benefit, or STRS, PERS or FERS benefits under any such plans or programs. 3. With respect to benefits You have applied for under the Federal Social Security Act or , a government compulsory benefit plan or program or a federal, state or other public employee retirement or disability plan or program, including a STRS, PERS or FERS Retirement System plan or program, if You do

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