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ELIGIBILITY PROVISIONS: INSURANCE FOR YOU (continued) GCERT2000 33 e/ee An increase in insurance due to a change in class of employee, an increase in Your earnings, or a requested increase in insurance will take effect as follows: ● if You are required to give evidence of insurability for the entire increase and We approve Your evidence of insurability, the increase will take effect on the date We state in Writing. If We do not approve Your evidence of insurability, or You do not submit evidence of insurability, the increase in insurance will not take effect. ● if You are required to give evidence of insurability for a portion of the increase: ● the portion of the increase that is not subject to evidence of insurability will take effect on the date of Your request or the date of the increase in Your earnings. ● if We approve Your evidence of insurability, the portion of the increase that is subject to evidence of insurability will take effect on the date We state in Writing. If We do not approve Your evidence of insurability or You do not submit evidence of insurability, the increase in insurance will not take effect. ● if You are not required to give evidence of insurability, the increase will take effect on the date of Your request or the date of the increase in Your earnings. You must be Actively at Work on that date. If You are not Actively at Work on the date the increase would otherwise take effect, the increase will take effect on the day You resume Active Work. For Contributory Insurance to take effect, in addition to having been Actively at Work on the date the insurance is to take effect, You must also have been Actively at Work for at least 20 hours during the 7 calendar days preceding that date. Decrease in Insurance A decrease in insurance due to a change in class of employee or a decrease in Your earnings will take effect on the date of change. If You make a Written application to decrease Your insurance, that decrease will take effect as of the date of Your application. Enrollment Due to a Qualifying Event You may enroll for insurance for which You are eligible or change the amount of Your insurance between annual enrollment periods only if You have a Qualifying Event. If You have a Qualifying Event, You will have 12 months from the date of that change or the Employer’s next annual enrollment period following the date of that change to make a request, whichever occurs first . This request must be consistent with the nature of the Qualifying Event. The insurance enrolled for or changes to Your insurance made as a result of a Qualifying Event will take effect on the day after the date of Your request, if You are Actively at Work on that date. If You are not Actively at Work on the date insurance would otherwise take effect, insurance will take effect on the day You resume Active Work.

MetLife Voluntary Life Insurance Certificate - Page 34 MetLife Voluntary Life Insurance Certificate Page 33 Page 35